Monday, January 24, 2011
Policy-Base Routing part 1 - GNS3
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Administrative Distance Vs Longest Prefix Match
add this line to R2
router eigrp 1
passive-interface Serial0/0
no auto-summary
static floating route - gns3
this what we call floating static route, by default AD for static route is 1, because we want this route to backup primary link w/ EIGRP in case it's not available.. we made it's AD higher than EIGRP AD
shutdown primary link to see the effect..
R1(config)#int ser 0/1
a few useful show IP command..
R1#sh ip route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route
Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 2 subnets
C is directly connected, Serial0/1
C is directly connected, Serial0/0 is subnetted, 1 subnets
D [90/2195456] via, 00:02:01, Serial0/1
C is directly connected, Loopback1
- type of network ; static, connected
- or how the router learn it ; EIGRP, OSPF.from which interface it learned
- how it's learned . ex; EIGRP, static or connected..
- how long since the route learned, this can be useful when you want to check how long link down, up time.. etc,
- the bandwidth information are reflected by the value configured on the interface .. what ever value you put, it's gonna show the same in here
- issue this two cmd if you want to filter or be more specific on the type of route
- this will summarize all you information base on Net, Subnet, Overhead(other memory used) and Memory
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
AAA Authentication Tacacs with ACS - adding device into ACS
- Click onNetwork Configuration
- Go to the bottom of the page, click onAdd Entry
- Create a group, give a name, ex.. Branch_1
- *Shared Secret : if all of your devices in this group share the same key, you can fill it now.. I leave it blank because I want to fill the key on each individual router later
- Leave the rest of the option as default
- Click again on Network Configuration, should be able to see your group now
- Click on it
- Got to the bottom page, click add entry
- Fill up the form, leave the rest as default ..
- *Authenticate using : since this tutorial is for Cisco IOS, so I choose Cisco IOS
- On bottom page, click Submit + Apply
AAA Authentication with ACS - Tacacs
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default group tacacs+
aaa authentication enable default group tacacs+
tacacs-server host
Tacacs-server host
tacacs-server key secret
Tacacs-server attempts 3
Once you configure aaa authentication, router start to ignore local pwd for all line (vty, console etc..)
2nd and 3rd line tell router to use tacacs server (for login and enable)
define your tacac server, can put more than server for failover purpose.. Router will try sequentially
Define your key or pwd for this router to communicate w/ tacacs server, both side must be same
3 attempt before session dropped
Another way to define tacacs server is by grouping it
aaa group server tacacs+ groupA
Then remove this line
tacacs-server host (and
And replaceTacacs+ word with group name
aaa authentication login default group groupA
What if there's no connection to tacacs+ server at all, for whatever reason..
Solution is, add another method after tacacs+, should tacacs+ unreachable router will try the next method in yellow
aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ enable
aaa authentication enable default group tacacs+ enable
This mean that if tacacs fail to reach.. Then router will prompt for enable password
List of methods
tacacs+ | TACACS+ authentication |
radius | RADIUS authentication |
line | Line-based authentication (password) |
local | Local username authentication |
local-case | Case-sensitive local authentication |
enable | Enable password or enable secret |
none | No authentication |
In my environment we prefer Console line to use local password, this is how to do it
Add new authorization group, define it to use method local
aaa authentication login default group tacacs+
aaa authentication enable default group tacacs+
aaa authentication login groupB local
Nothing happen yet until you put this line
line con 0
login authentication groupB
Once user console to router, this line will tell that console is under groupB, and this group use method local